
Thursday, March 22, 2012

News From the Kiln and Amberland Excitement

A month, really? There's been a lot going on at the Casa de Pine Like, so apologies for the gap. I'm not going to pretend it won't happen again, but let's have faith . . .

There have definitely been some ups and downs in the life of Jessica and her nearest and dearest (yes, third person, it happened), but overall, the world is looking pretty good.

News from the kiln . . . a set of mugs, some split rim/side pieces, a 70's - inspired oil lamp, too - small tortilla warmers (I'm working on larger ones Mom, wonder if Mrs. Rowe needs a present?) and the prettiest piece I've ever glazed emerged from the fire recently. Guess which one I shattered in the driveway to put a cherry on the cupcake of the worst day ever? Yep.

Here's a peek. 

And, expect the Etsy store to open up within the next month or so, assuming I don't give everything I make away before then. It's really hard not to . . .

Big fan of this splitting technique . . . red - bodied, speckled clay . . . and trio glaze combo.  

New glaze . . . Violet! You're turning violet, Violet! Can I get a show of hands from those who love the 
old - school Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? I was working on a set of commissioned tortilla warmers that shrank excessively in the kiln. They're now glaze vessel studies, and I must say, cute! 

I got one decent photo of this wonderful iron oxide and daiquiri freeze glazed steam pot before my clumsiness turned it into what you see below. For anyone who makes pottery in a shared studio setting, you know that's weeks of work and waiting . . . ugh.

On a more exciting note . . . 

The Festival Season Is Upon Us!

As a music and arts lover, this is one my favorite times a year. I've been going through my photos, looking at lineups . . . really allowing myself to get excited. Let me take a moment to promote the bestest of best festivals around (where I met my wonderful fiance six years ago), Amberland. 

These pretty fantastic guys (who happen to be close friends, great parents and stellar musicians) make up this little group called Perpetual Groove. We celebrate their awesomeness every Memorial Day weekend by dancing, dressing up, drinking summer cocktails and down right ragin' on a sweet peak in the North Georgia mountains. Join us . . . or, better yet, volunteer!

I thought I'd share some photos from last year's extravaganza to pique your interest. Expect updates about this festival, my absolute favorite among many.

Looking good gentlemen . . . 

You really can't beat sunshine, go-go juice and good music for the soul . . . I cannot wait to see my framily!

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