
Friday, February 10, 2012

Taking the Plunge

Well gang, it's time...

I've avoided getting a Facebook page for so long that it had nearly become a point of pride. I'm amazed I ever knew what was going on without one. But, alas, the day has finally arrived, and it's no longer avoidable. Why?


If any of you reading know me at all, you know that a virtual craft board is something I simply cannot ignore. Decorating tips? DIY wedding ideas? Fabulous photos of food? Travel inspiration? A place to see and share all things artsy? Yes, please!

Thus, I've created a Facebook page to accept my Pinterest invitation. Then, I said, "Self, while you're at it..." and decided to start a blog and an Esty store, too. There's nothing showcased in the latter quite yet, but I'll be sure to post a link when it's up and running.

Since picking pottery back up last year and lampworking the year before that, I've intended to build some sort of platform to share with y'all stories and pictures of my art. So thank you, Pinterest, for giving me that final push.

Hang with me and keep checking back while we watch the social media monster grow! I'll be sharing craft ideas, recipes, art and other tidbits from my life that will very likely have little bearing on your own...but hopefully they'll make you smile and bring you a little joy.


  1. Can't believe you haven't told me about this, I'm so pumped for you! This will be superawesome. Go you.

    1. This is amazing. I'm so happy I get another view into your life. Love you.
